Back to the Bend

Hey gang,

I arrived late last night after your typical Akron-Indianapolis-South Bend commute.  I did discover the idea of the audiobook on that 8 hour commute, listening to a series of classic short stories assembled by the BBC.  Major disappointment was that I didn't develop any accent whatsoever.  

Highlight of the trip was a quick trip to the Bates household and dinner with Carolyn.  She is headed to Loyola for psych grad school next year, so I'm doing my best to stay friends with a future celebrity.  We are also planning a pizza-making night in a few weeks, so stay tuned for those saucy details.

Today marks the beginning of my 2.5 month stint as the hall manager of McGlinn.  It is fantastic to be back on campus; still, it is an entirely different experience during the summer versus the school year.  The quiet is almost overwhelming in parts, while construction roars away elsewhere (cough, Morris Inn, cough).  Personally, I love it, as you can sprawl anywhere and read in peace (my current story of choice is East of Eden).  Everything is green, and as you can see from the pictures below, the sky is a perfect blue with wisps of clouds providing contrast.

For all of my fellow graduates who miss ND, I can confirm that the Dome, Basilica, and everything else is still here.  And still breathtaking.

I am planning on purchasing a real camera sometime soon, though my Windows phone has been doing alright so far.  Then we'll be seeing some real nice shots of campus, squirrels, and other things.

Till next time people,

